ZBar iPhone App

User Guide

Barcode Details

This screen shows lots of detailed information about a scanned barcode:

annotated barcode detail

Barcode Description

If the app can not find a better alternative, the descriptive text for a barcode defaults to the raw barcode data. This can make a list of barcodes hard to work with - for example, trying to find a specific package in a list of tracking numbers. To help you organize your barcodes, you may find it helpful to write your own description:

edit button screenshot Tap the “Edit” button, then tap on the description and enter the desired text.

If you clear an existing description, the barcode data will be shown instead.

Copying Data

copy barcode data screenshot Tap on the barcode data to see it full screen or copy a specific selection. Tap and hold for a second to copy the full data directly to the clipboard.

Filing into a Folder

organize folder icon Tap the “Organize” folder in the toolbar, then select the destination folder from the list of available folders.


You must add the folder before you can move a barcode into it.

Other Actions

You can also edit the list of links or use the toolbar to share this barcode or scan another barcode.